Reviews: 408 reviews

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I LOVE KANNING ORTHODONTICS!!!!!!!They have great costomer service AMAZING!!! Really? I`m a ten year old and giving a good review if anyone gives them a bad review they seriously NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kanning Orthodontics is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So please come here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
They give to points to buy gifts, and they have contests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if you don't win, they still give to points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I want to let Dr. Kanning and staff that your awesome

I love Kanning Orthidontics! Everyone there is so kind! The rewards program is amazing I bet not other place does it! Kanning also makes cleaning your teeth fun!!

Kanning Orthodontics is something for all people who need braces! You can earn points for certain accomplishments, such as good oral hygiene, good grades, and many other things. You can then use those points on awards, such as gift cards and LEGOs. When you get your braces on, you can choose a movie on an iPad and watch it with special glasses. Whenever you are waiting, you can play games, such as Angry Birds and Temple Run, on the iPad. The results so far are amazing and the staff is fun. Overall, Kanning Orthodontics leaves other orthodontists in the dust.